BioBasics 101: The Biology of Biotech for the Non-Scientist – Spring 2025

9:00 am - 3:30 pm PDT

BioBasics 101: The Biology of Biotech for the Non-Scientist offers a fascinating exploration of the fundamental scientific principles that underpin the life sciences. It delves into the crucial roles of the FDA, NIH, academia, and drug sponsors and how they interact to promote scientific breakthroughs. It thoroughly explains the biological foundation of cells, DNA, RNA, and proteins, uncovering their applications in biopharmaceuticals.

Building on this foundational knowledge, BioBasics 101 details the genetic basis of diseases, highlighting the devastation of mutations and the impact of genomics and proteomics on personalized medicine. This course culminates in genetic engineering and biomanufacturing, where all the essential biology principles learned are applied. Get ready to revolutionize your understanding of the life science industry in this interactive course―register today!

Five Takeaways:

  1. Master the essential terminology of the life science industry.
  2. Identify the crucial roles of the FDA, NIH, academia, and research support companies and state how they work together to promote scientific breakthroughs.
  3. Describe DNA, RNA, and protein structure and function and explain how these molecules interact in healthy and diseased tissue.
  4. Discuss the genetic basis of diseases and the impact of genomics and proteomics on personalized medicine.
  5. Explain the principles of genetic engineering and how this technology is used for research and biomanufacturing purposes.

Who should attend
Non-science professionals from all sectors, including finance, legal, sales, marketing, HR, manufacturing, management, government relations, IT, project management, regulatory affairs, supply chain, safety, and tech transfer. Anyone who works on the “business side” who needs to better understand and communicate with the “science side” 

Past participants include:

  • Venture capitalists, angel investors, bankers, analysts, financial managers
  • Insurance brokers, real estate professionals
  • Patient advocacy group staff, disease foundation members
  • Policymakers, lobbyists, attorneys
  • Consultants, public relations specialists, journalists
  • University administrators, research institute support staff
  • Environmental, health, and safety engineers


  • Member rate – $1395
  • Non-Member rate – $1595

If you have any questions, contact