Gary Ballew is the Vice President of Economic Development for Greater Spokane Incorporated where he leads the economic development team at GSI and works with economic development partners throughout the region to grow and diversify the Spokane regional economy. His immediate past position was the Director of Economic Development and Marketing for the Port of Pasco. His projects included real estate development of the Port’s mixed use and industrial properties, carrying out the region’s economic development vision, Somos Pasco, promoting economic development legislation and marketing the Tri-Cities Airport.
He served as the Executive Director to the Wine Science Center Development Authority, which was instrumental in building the Ste. Michelle Wine Estates WSU Wine Science Center and previously he was the Economic Development Manager for the City of Richland where his work included special projects, such as creating the Revitalization Area for Industry, Science and Education and Broadband Initiative, as well as managing economic development and redevelopment programs within the City. Prior to coming to Richland, Gary was the Deputy County Administrator for Benton County. Gary was responsible for managing the County’s Facilities and Sustainable Development Department.
Prior to the County, he worked for Pacific Rim Enterprise Center, working on technology transfer between the Department of Energy and the private sector, and on long-term stewardship and risk-financing for nuclear weapons facilities that will remain contaminated after clean-up is complete.
Gary received a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering, a Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in Hotel and Restaurant Administration, all from Washington State University. He is a former Governor’s Executive Fellow for the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development and a Research Assistant for Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Washington State Universities Laboratory for Atmospheric Research. He is currently the Chair Elect of the Washington Economic Development Association. He was also on the board of the Colima Pasco Friendship Association and the Tri-Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce prior to coming to Spokane.