A Critical Convergence of Expertise in Seattle’s Biotech Ecosystem


Life science companies Prevencio, Adaptive Biotechnologies (Adaptive) and Bristol-Myers Squibb are spearheading some of Washington state’s major innovations in life science and biotechnology.

Kirkland-based Prevencio has spent the last five years implementing artificial intelligence (AI) research to develop the first non-invasive blood tests for cardiac health detection. Now on the market and covered by Medicare, the tests help medical professionals diagnose cardiac health issues and identify treatments.

In the oncology industry, Adaptive and Bristol-Myers Squibb are driving cancer innovation and research. Adaptive supports cases of cancer relapse by identifying residual cancer cells in patients once they undergo treatment. The company partnered with Microsoft, also based in Washington, to identify disease data via machine learning.

Bristol Myers-Squibb, whose Seattle-based research focuses on the discovery and development of cell therapies, is working with recent graduates to provide STEM scholarships and mentors to help them prepare for careers in biotech.

These efforts speak to Washington’s thriving life science industry, which hosts over 1,500 companies, according to Life Science Washington. The state’s advancements are fueling medical innovation on both a regional and national level.
